To learn more about a committee or section, click the + sign to expand
Interested in joining a committee or section or attending one of their meetings? All committee and section members must be an active member of MLA. Contact the chair(s) to learn more or become a member here. All meetings will be listed in the calendar of events located in your member portal.
COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS Laura Bernheim (Cary Memorial Library | Lexington); Esme Green (Sudbury); Ellen MJ Keane (UMass Lowell); Laurie Lessner (SAILS)
MEETINGS Meets monthly from August to June via Zoom.
COMMITTEE MISSION The mission of the Conference Committee is to promote professional development within the Massachusetts library community through the planning and execution of a high quality annual conference. We aim to present a conference which features a robust mix of local and nationally recognized leaders, innovators and speakers who will engage with a wide range of relevant topics that will encourage thought, conversation, action, and growth among individuals in all library roles and in all library types. We strive to recruit and highlight speakers on topics that are on-trend in the library field, and to create opportunities to connect and build networks with others in the field.
Solicit, submit and develop program proposals
Identify, recruit and coordinate with speaker to develop the conference slate of programs
Help promote conference and conference-related events
Develop engaging networking opportunities like evening events
Run special events such as basket raffle and Kay Bader Scholarship
Liaise with vendors for graphic design, printed materials, etc
Identify potential sponsors and exhibitors in collaboration with Director of Operations
On-site conference tasks
MEETINGS Meets six times per year at libraries throughout the state, at the Massachusetts Library System office, or via Zoom.
COMMITEE MISSION The mission of Massachusetts Library Association's (MLA's) Intellectual Freedom/Social Responsibilities Committee (MLA-IF/SRC) is to inform and educate librarians and the general public about the nature and importance of intellectual freedom. The MLA-IF/SRC encourages libraries and library staff to adhere to the principles of intellectual freedom, including unimpeded access to information, freedom of expression and the privacy rights of library users. The Committee also advocates for public policy that is consistent with the highest standards of library practice and which support freedom of thought and access to information for all people. MLA-IF/SRC develops, proposes and implements a process for MLA participation in national events and days such as Freedom of Information Day and Banned Books Week, represents MLA on issues of intellectual freedom and provides assistance and/or information to librarians who have issues or questions about intellectual freedom situations. The committee selects and prepares information dealing with intellectual freedom issues for addition to the MLA web site, develops programming for annual conference and periodically presents an award to an outstanding individual or group who has protected intellectual freedom. The Committee will also draw attention to human rights issues and social inequity, as social responsibility is a core value of librarianship. The MLA-IF/SR Committee will help establish progressive priorities within MLA and the state of Massachusetts, conduct programs to educate and inform our library colleagues and the public about social issues, and promote diversity in all aspects of librarianship and library service in the Commonwealth. IFSRC WORKSHOPS Are you looking for a low-cost, reality-based training for your front-line staff? Consider hiring an MLA trainer from the Intellectual Freedom/Social Responsibilities Committee.
MLA offers two workshop options, both based on ALA training modules. These are introductory programs, focused on preparing your staff to better face the challenges of working with the public.
Training is $300 for a half-day program, plus mileage for the trainer(s). All proceeds from these workshops benefit the Advocacy and Education efforts of the Massachusetts Library Association.
Learn more and book a workshop For more information or to book a workshop, contact Krista McLeod at [email protected] or 978-686-4080 x10.
MEETS Regularly on a mutually agreeable timetable. MISSION Plans and conducts an annual storytelling program, and expands promotion of the Jordan Miller committee to include a broader audience, including graduate schools of library science, Boston Public Library, Jordan Collection patrons, and others
CHAIR Sara Slymon (Thomas Crane Public Library | Quincy)
MEETS Regularly based on mutually agreeable timetable.
MISSION This section was developed as a response to a recent survey asking librarians across the US if they felt like they had or have enough training on management topics to help them excel in their positions. The answers ranged from merely "sort of" to "definitely not"!! So, what can we do to bridge that gap? Start a section within a statewide professional organization of course! This new section will work to provide professional development opportunities for librarians at all levels to increase their management and leadership skills.
CO-CHAIRS William Adamczyk (Milton); Nora Blake (Ipswich); Kathy Lussier (NOBLE)
MEETS Monthly via Zoom
MISSION Develop a legislative communications plan in cooperation with other groups including MBLC, MSLA, MFOL and MLTA. Plan and implement legislative advocacy training for the library community. Provide an opportunity for communication about legislative breakfasts among regional breakfast committees and other programming. Plan and implement annual conference programming.
CHAIR Krista McLeod (Nevins Memorial Library | Methuen)
MEETS Regularly based on mutually agreeable timetable.
MISSION To enlist a large and active membership in MLA from all types of libraries, to develop strategies for recruiting and retaining MLA members, to participate in the creation of membership promotion tools and to review and recommend changes to MLA dues structure and categories.
MEETS Regularly based on mutually agreeable timetable.
MISSION Through support and increased awareness of paralibrarians, the Section advocates for recognition and participation in the library community. The Section also promotes and provides a forum for networking and career development opportunities.
CHAIR Darshana Merchant (Morrill Memorial Library | Norwood)
MEETINGS Meets monthly via Zoom.
MISSION To champion and advance the practice of Program Planning statewide by means of, but not limited to: providing educational opportunities and resources to libraries, librarians, and all library workers; creating a cohesive statewide database of shared programming resources, tools, and policies; sharing best practices for in-library, out of library, and virtual events; and finding creative ways to connect the broadest range of community members with our library programs and services.
CO-CHAIRS Carol Gafford (Swansea) and Laura Grunwerg (Paige Memorial Library | Hardwick)
MEETS Regularly based on a mutually agreeable timetable
MISSION The mission of the Public Relations committee is to act as a resource for MLA, evaluating communications and promotions for MLA's association identity. This includes regular press/media releases to major outlets on issues of importance and the establishment of protocol for handing inquiries from reporters/media and the arrangement for one media appearance annually by an MLA officer. The committee evaluates and updates website and electronic communications and makes recommendations to improve communications. The PR Committee is responsible for two awards which are presented at the MLA Annual Conference; the MLA Public Relations Awardsare presented in odd numbered years and the MLA Hall of Fame Award are presented in even numbered years.
CHAIR Kate Tigue (Morrill Memorial Library | Norwood)
MEETS Monthly via Zoom.
MISSION The object of the Youth Services Section shall be to promote library service to youth; to promote the profession of youth librarianship; to further the awareness of youth within the profession as well as the community at large, and to aid in implementing standards for public library services for children and young adults in Massachusetts.