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Discounted NELA Membership Now Available!

MLA is excited to launch the “Extended Membership” with NELA (New England Library Association). Join both state and regional library associations and you’ll be full members of both and receive all the benefits from each organization.

For NELA it includes: NELA News and email announcements, discounts on NELA events and conferences, access to shadowing opportunities and mentors, and connection with library professionals across New England.

For MLA it includes: a professional network of collegues and mentors, discounts on MLA events and conferences, 20% off tuition at Drexel to earn your Masters in Library & Information Science online, eligibility for scholarships and awards, and voting in MLA elections.

MLA members can now take advantage of paying the discounted fee of $20 a year ($15 a year for students and retirees) to become NELA members, in addition to your regular MLA membership. The reduced rate is available with your Individual Membership only, not through your Institutional Membership. When you sign in to renew or join there will be a field for the Joint NELA Membership and it will automatically renew. If you are a part of an institutional membership, please have the manager of your account contact the MLA Association Manager with your request.

Library school students are eligible to join both ALA and the Massachusetts Library Association at one low price of $42.00 a year. Join both state and national library associations and get connected to your future. Joint student members are full members of both associations, and receive all the benefits accorded to student members in each association. For ALA it includes: 6 issues of American Libraries magazine, weekly e-delivery of AL Direct, bi-monthly Student Direct, discounts on ALA and Division conferences, 10% discounts on ALA Editions and Graphics; Access to ALA scholarships, grants and travel opportunities.

Join online at the ALA web site.

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